Serving the Ham Radio community since 1924!























has been serving Chicago area hams and radio enthusiasts since the dawn of radio itself!  Our membership over the years lists well into the thousands.  Many of these members were taught the Amateur Radio theory and Morse Code by fellow CSRA members.  Our members have spanned all walks of life, from construction workers to lawyers; bankers to broadcasters and everyone in between.  For 80 years, Chicagoland men, women and children from age 9 to 90 have called the CSRA their radio club!

CSRA is the oldest radio club chartered in the State of Illinois and has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League for over 75 years.  Building on this rich history, CSRA looks to the future with eyes on fresh ideas and emerging technologies.

CSRA Meetings...
are held on the third Thursday of the month at the Grace Lutheran Church, 1100 Manchester Avenue, in the western suburb of Westchester. Maps and directions are located on our website's main page.  Doors open at 6:30pm and the meetings begin at 7:30 and non-members and guests are always welcome.

CSRA On The Air...
Club nets include our Monday Night Net at 8:00pm on the CFMC repeater system on 146.76 MHz. You will also find many members on the repeater during the week too!

The club also airs a 15 meter HF Net on Thursday Nights at 7:00pm at 21.331 MHz USB.  All are welcome on both nets!

Keeping the membership informed...
is the task of the CSRA monthly newsletter TXT, which contains information about monthly meetings, what's happening in the Amateur Radio community and news about CSRA members.  Portions of TXT are now available online at the CSRA website.  News items are always welcome and the newsletter editor can be contacted online or at the meetings. 

Community activities...
are central to amateur radio and a hallmark of CSRA.  Club members frequently provide 2-way communication for many community activities such as marathons, charity races and runs, and civic parades (especially the annual Houby Day parade held in the Berwyn-Cicero area).  CSRA members have also been on hand to provide local emergency communication in times of emergency such as the massive telephone outage at Hinsdale Hospital, river flooding on the Des Plaines and traffic accidents. Our members also assisted with communications and relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In addition, members relay health and welfare messages during worldwide disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and terror attacks.

CSRA also puts on radio demonstrations for scout, civic and community organizations.  For many years, CSRA was present at Brookfield Zoo for it's N9BAT Special Event Station.

Honing radio skills...
is key to any radio amateur.  To that end, CSRA participates annually in the ARRL sponsored Field Day weekend.  The object of Field Day is to set up and operate amateur radio stations using emergency power and temporary antennas.  An emphasis is placed on developing skills to meet the challenge of emergency preparedness.  CSRA operators try to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible during this 24 hour period.  Of course, fun is had by all with family, friends and guests in the outdoor camping atmosphere of Field Day.

Honoring our own...
With such a long and storied history, CSRA likes to shine the spotlight on our members.  Each year a meeting is designated as Old Timers Night.  This annual event honors and acknowledges CSRA members that have had their amateur radio license for at least 25 years.  It also gives new hams an opportunity to hear the Old Timers talk about their earlier days in amateur radio.

Please join us...
We'd love to have you join the fun with the Chicago Suburban Radio Association!  Stop by a meeting one evening or contact one of our members.  All are welcome, regardless of whether you are a licensed amateur or not.  Our yearly dues are only $20, one of the best bargains in ham radio! 

As easy as w-w-w...
If you'd like to become a member now, click on the "Join CSRA" icon for a printable membership form.

Thanks for your interest in the Chicago Suburban Radio Association, and we hope to see you soon!





All contents are copyright
©2009, Chicago Suburban Radio Association.